Beauty Box Video 4.0 is the makeup artist you didn't have. Our skin retouching video plugin for Final Cut Pro application, like Davinci Resolve, is simple to use. This video effects plugin saves hours of your production time while making your client look years younger.
The Skin Smoothing controls in the Beauty Box Video plugin work together to smooth over wrinkles and blemishes in your subject's skin tones. The three main controls make it simple to dial in the amount of retouching. From very subtle to more airbrushed. It keeps the important features of the face sharp while reducing or eliminating wrinkles and blemishes
The magic button: Analyze Frame. This is where the real work happens, yet you barely have to do anything with this plugin. Click Analyze Frame to have Beauty Box Video analyze your footage and set the skin tones. These skin tones then get tracked throughout the footage. It's an automatic process that creates a great mask that adjusts as your subject moves and speaks.
Beauty Box can solve other skin retouching issues as well. With controls for reducing shine caused by oily skin and bright lights and built-in color correction, you have all the tools you need for retouching. It's a comprehensive plugin for doing beauty work.