Enjoy your favorite videos in HD anywhere you wish without costly cable installation and clutter with this HDMI™ extender kit. It extends audio and video signals up to 200 ft/60m with nearly zero delays (less than 0.06s/60ms), offering the ultimate flexibility when it comes to placing your source device and display wherever you prefer.
Compliant with HDMI™ 1.3, HDCP 1.2 and DVI 1.0, the extender supports up to 1080p60 video resolution, stereo digital audio and is compatible with all HDMI™ enabled devices including DVD/ Blu-ray™ players, laptops, game consoles, and more. With its built-in infrared signal, the IR extender cable (included) gives you the ability to control the source device at the display’s location with its original remote (play, pause, fast forward, etc.).