(SFP) transceivers are based on the SFP Multi Source Agreement (MSA). They are compatible with the Gigabit Ethernet and 1000BASE-T standard as specified in IEEE Std 802.3. The 1000BASE-T physical layer IC (PHY) can be accessed via I2C, allowing access to all PHY settings and features. The 1000BASE-T uses the SFP's RX_LOS pin for link indication. If pull up SFP's TX_DISABLE pin, PHY IC be reset.
+3.3V Volt Electrical Power Interface
The SFP-1000BASE-T/SFP-1000BASE-T-SGMII has an input voltage range of 3.3 V +/- 5%. The 4V maximum voltage is not allowed for continuous operation.
Low-Speed Signals
MOD_DEF(1) (SCL) and MOD_DEF(2) (SDA), are open drain CMOS signals (see section VII, "Serial Communication Protocol"). Both MOD_DEF(1) and MOD_DEF(2) must be pulled up to host_Vcc.