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SENCHA Sencha Ext Js Enterprise Term - Subscription Named License - 1 User - Multiplatform - English - 1 Year
Redcorp# T8372011Article# ExtJS_Ent_Term_Lic
Sencha Ext Js Enterprise Term - Subscription Named License - 1 User - Multiplatform - English - 1 Year
Sencha Ext JS is the most comprehensive JavaScript framework for building data-intensive, cross-platform web and mobile applications for any modern device. Ext JS includes 140+ pre-integrated and tested high-performance UI components.
Features & Benefits
Buttons, Panels, Tabs
Toolbars, Tooltips, Windows
Audio, Video, and More
Forms and Form Validation
Gauges, Icons, Layouts
Data, Data Binding, DataView
Animations, Carousel, Color Picker
100+ Classic Components
Back-end Agnostic Data Package and Powerful Data
Visualization and Analysis of Complex Data Sets
Layout Manager and Responsive Configurations
Adaptive and Responsive Design
Accessibility Package (ARIA) for Section 508 Compliance