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TECH21 Evosparkle With Magsafe For iPhone 16 - Zen
Tech21 EvoSparkle for iPhone 16 Compatible with MagSafe
IMPACT PROTECTION Our lab-tested materials and design innovations provide 12ft/3.6m impact protection, safeguarding your device drop after drop for its entire lifetime.
WASTE RESPONSIBLE INNOVATION With our innovative bio-spice formula, this case is now 100% biodegradable, breaking down completely into the earth once you’re finished with it, leaving no trace of microplastics.
ANTI-YELLOWING Embedded with UV-resistant agents and a self-healing formula, this case protects your device from discolouration and scratches, ensuring long-lasting, scuff-free protection and style.
HOLOGRAPHIC SHIMMER EFFECT The bespoke design ensures this case is bursting with extra sparkle.
MagSafe COMPATIBLE Embedded with a magnetic ring, this case is compatible with all your Apple MagSafe accessories, from battery chargers to car holders.