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The tripod gimbal head not only allows you to balance the camera
perfectly with a heavy telephoto lens, but also makes it possible for
extremely smooth, smooth and steady camera pan shots.
Especially in nature photography you can realize unique pictures of
flying birds, as you can easily track the camera and the focus and just
press the trigger at the right moment.
The built-in bearings allow you very precise movements of all axes. The
Arca-Swiss-style jibs or arms allow the walimex pro aluminium tripod
gimbal head A20 to be adjusted to any camera or lens combination, and
each weight can be leveled out to a maximum limit of 20 kg.
The tripod gimbal head is made of cnc-milled aluminum. Due to the solid
construction it is similarly torsion-resistant, stable and also
You can find two backups in the quick-release plate, so that the camera
can not slip out of the gimbal, if you should have forgotten to tighten
the plugs.
The integrated cm-scales on the jibs
make it easy for you to find all settings, even if you change the
position or location. The panoramic scales on the two joints allow you
exactly adjustments of the levels and precise shoots.