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SHUTTLE COMPUTER Accessory Shuttle Ps01 Vertical Stand Black For Xg41 Series
Redcorp# 88702353Article# PS01
Accessory Shuttle Ps01 Vertical Stand Black For Xg41 Series
Vertical stand PS01 for Shuttle Slim PCs of the XG/XH series
The Shuttle Slim-PCs XG41 and XH61 can be used for horizontal operation by default. With this optional stand (accessory PS01), it can also be placed vertically.
Kleur van het product
Land van herkomst
Compatibele producten
Compatible with the following Shuttle Slim PCs:
XH510G, XH610, XH610V, XC60J, XG41, XH61, XH61V, XH81, XH81V, XH97V, XH110, XH110V, XH110G, XH170V, XH270, XH310, XH310V, XH310R, XH310RV, XH410G