TS19 features DataSafeT, Tone or Pulse operation, Talk/Monitor capabilities and last number redial.
- High impedance DataSafeTM operation in monitor mode
- Tone (DTMF) and pulse operation
- Last number redial
- Polarity indication in talk mode
The Fluke Networks TS19 Test Set combines all the essential test set features at an affordable price. This test set was specifically designed for in-house telecom technicians. Its high impedance monitor prevents accidental disruption of service from clipping onto a data line while in monitor mode, thus ensuring the integrity of critical data lines. Features such as tone (DTMF) or pulse operation, talk/monitor capabilities, polarity test button and last number redial make this test set the perfect combination of features and price.
Electrical Specifications
Loop Limit: 2.4 kOmaximum at 48 VDC (nominal 15 mA minimum loopcurrent)
DC Resistance (Talk Mode): 150 Otypical at 80 mA current
AC Impedance (Monitor Mode):
- Low impedance (Ring position) 600 Oat 1 KHz typical
- High impedance (HI Z position) 100 kOminimum at 1 KHz
Rotary Dial Output: 10 pps .5 pps
Pulsing Rate: 60 % ± 2 %
Percent Break: 800 ms typical
Interdigit Interval Leakage During Break: > 50 kO
DTMF Output: ±1 % maximum
Tone Frequency Error Level per Tone Pair: dBm maximum, - dBm minimum
High versus Low Tone Difference: 4 dB maximum